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About us

Research Team


Diane Marcotte



Department of Psychology – Faculty of Social Sciences 

Tel.: (514) 987-3000 ext. 2619

Office: SU-3175


Diane Marcotte is a graduate of the University of Ottawa and has been a professor-researcher for over 30 years. She is the head of the Laboratoire de recherche sur la santé mentale des jeunes en contexte scolaire and founder of two prevention programs: the Pare-Chocs depression prevention program for teenagers and the Zenstudies depression and anxiety prevention program for young adults. Her research primarily focuses on the emergence of depression and anxiety during the transitions between primary school and secondary school and between secondary school and college. She identifies subsets of at-risk students and school dropout trajectories. She conducts a research program on the validation of cognitive-behavioural models for depression, anxiety and the emergence of internalized mental health disorders during school transitions. She also develops interaction models between personal, family and social risk factors and school factors. 

Our Department

The Lab is located in the Adrien-Pinard (SU) building of UQÀM. 

100 Sherbrooke West, Montreal. 






Marie-Laurence Paré

Psychologist, PhD

Marie-Laurence completed her doctoral training in the spring of 2020 and works as a psychologist in CLSC with young people in difficulty. Associated with the work of the Research Laboratory for several years, she is co-author of the ZenStudies mental health prevention program. Her doctoral research focused on personal goals among youth at risk of depression in the context of the secondary-college transition. Her work has demonstrated the effectiveness of the ZenStudies program to reduce depressive symptoms as well as the major importance of a positive perception of personal goals in the prevention of depression in emerging adults.

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Myriam Laberge

Graduate student

Myriam Laberge holds a Master's degree in college teaching from the University of Sherbrooke, and has been a professor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit since 2004. She completed the complementary training in psychology at UQAM in 2022, and was then admitted to the Doctorate in psychology, intervention profile (Psy.D.), under the direction of Ms. Diane Marcotte, Ph.D. In the context of her doctoral thesis, she is interested in the evaluation of the mediating role of the relational components (relationships with peers, parents and the lover) in the effectiveness of the Zenétudes program.



Claire Starrs

Research consultant

Claire Starrs obtained her clinical psychology PhD from McGill University in 2013. She work as a research professional in the labo, especially on the statistical treatment of Zenstudies' data. Her early work focused on risk and stress.  Her doctoral thesis focuses on self-criticism and dependency and stress in Mainland Chinese adolescents. During her postdoc, she worked on a groundbreaking observer-rated system fro coding coping mechanisms. 


Carole Viel


Carole Viel has completed university studies in criminology, small group facilitation and guidance. She has worked as a guidance counsellor, curriculum developer, research officer and educational consultant in various settings. This combination of her interests in people, research and design has allowed her to realize her potential as a research professional in the development of the Zenétudes program: living the transition to CEGEP in a healthy way.


Cynthia Lamarre

Psychologist, PhD

Cynthia Lamarre completed her doctoral work as part of the Laboratory’s research program. She is a co-author of the ZenStudies Mental Health Prevention Program and was particularly interested in the Mindfulness Practice Learning component of the ZenStudies program. His work confirmed the relationship between perfectionism, mindfulness and anxiety. In addition, the results of his research have demonstrated the effectiveness of the ZenStudies program in reducing anxiety symptoms.

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Simon Lapierre



Simon Lapierre completed his bachelor's degree in psychology (honors profile) at the Université du Québec à Montréal and is a doctoral student in psychology (research/intervention profile). He is particularly interested in mental health prevention among adolescents and emerging adults. More specifically, his thesis will focus on the prevention of depression. He is doing his doctorate at the Laboratoire sur la santé mentale des jeunes en contexte scolaire, under the direction of Dr. Diane Marcotte.

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Louison Gros

Graduate student

Louison Gros holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from UQAM and a bachelor's degree in psychology from the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc. She is completing her doctorate in psychology, intervention profile (Psy.D.), under the direction of Dr. Diane Marcotte, Ph.D. In the context of her doctoral research, she is interested in the study of the mediating role of attitudes towards school, academic motivation and study skills in the effectiveness of the Zenétudes program in reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms.



Annie Lemieux

Research consultant

Annie lemieux has been working for nearly 10 years in the field of statistical analysis in the social sciences. Her fields of expertise are regression models, longitudinal analysis, structural equation models (SEM), latent class analysis and factor analysis. 

Annie Lemieux holds a master's degree in statistics (2006) from the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is also co-author of several publications, trainer and creator of statistical seminars. 


Mailing address

Department of Psychology,

Université du Québec à Montréal,

P.O. Box 8888, Downtown branch,

Montreal (Quebec)

H3C 3P8


Civic address

100 Sherbrooke Street West

H2X 3P2

Montreal (Quebec)


(514) 987-3000 ext. 2619



Last update : February 2021

© 2016 par Labo Marcotte / All rights reserved.

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