3.3 Article in Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 2014: Resilience Factors in Students Presenting Depressive Symptoms during the Post-Secondary School Transition. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 159, 91–95. By D. Marcotte, A. Villatte and A. Potvin.
3.4 Article in Psychologie Québec, 2014 : La consultation de services psychologiques chez les jeunes adultes : enjeux et pistes de solution. By M.L. Paré and D. Marcotte.
3.5 Article on the RIRE online platform, 2014 : Anxiété et pleine conscience : la pratique en classe. By C. Lamarre and D. Marcotte. http://rire.ctreq.qc.ca/2014/08/anxiete_conscience/ .
3.6. Article on the RIRE online platform, 2015 : Le collège peut-il protéger contre la dépression? Par : D. Marcotte, A. Villatte, A. and A. Potvin . http://rire.ctreq.qc.ca
3.7. Marcotte, D., Viel, C., Paré, M.L., and Lamarre, C. (2016). Zenétudes 1 : vivre sainement la transition au collège. Programme de prévention universelle. Québec : PUQ. 102 pages, D4523, ISBN 978-2-7605-4523-6
3.8. Paré, M.L. & Marcotte, D. (sous presse). Depressive Symptoms and Academic Performance in College : Do Personal Goals Play a Role? Canadian Journal of counseling and psychotherapy.
3.9. Paré, M.L. & Marcotte, D. (2021). Personal Goals as Moderators of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Depressive Symptoms in College Students. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 40(2), 1-22. (novembre 2021)
3.10. Lamarre, C., and Marcotte, D. (2021). Anxiety and dimensions of perfectionism in first year college students: the mediating role of mindfulness. European Review of Applied Psychology, .
3.11. Lamarre, C. et Marcotte, D. (2021). Le rôle médiateur de la pleine conscience dans l’effet d’un programme de prévention ciblé indiqué sur l’anxiété et le perfectionnisme des étudiants collégiaux. Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 55(1), 96-121.
3.12. Marcotte, D., Paré, M.L., Lamarre, C. (2018). A Pilot Study of a Preventive Program for Depressive and Anxious Symptoms During the Post-Secondary Transition. Journal of American College Health, published on line: 26 Oct 2018. 7 pages.
DOI : 10.1080/07448481.2018.1518907
2.2 Information - Mental Health
2.2.1 Summary Tables of Symptoms
2.3 Resources and prevention strategies
2.3.1 Inventory of Strategies for Managing Anxiety
2.3.5 Additional Online Resources
2.4 Complementary texts to the resources section
ZENSTUDIES : Making a healthy transition to higher education
Mental health in college-level education: providing teachers and mental health care professionals with tools to reduce dropout rates following the transition to college
*Publications with a green title are available online